I am retrospectively inserting this blog entry back into a period where I had not written very much on the blog front.

I’ll be honest and say at this point that I feel conflicted about blogs: on one hand the conscientious me feels as though I should write regularly at least every month (and indeed in terms of the internet and web searches this is the best thing to do – as I am sure you all know). However, this is not me, one thing that I feel very uncertain about in computing is the way it seems to turn us all into social media addicts – we seem to feel the need to constantly update our profile and post and share our feelings and be ‘liked’ by one another; I, it seems to do not feel this need (hence only having visited Facebook about three times this year). So, and I can say this looking back (as I am writing this in Oct 2018), my blogging will be sporadic (just so you know); there will be months where I write three times in a month and other periods where I will write nothing for six months. To some degree this is because I will put content else where on my website for the period when there was a gap, or I will have just been too busy to write. Though, and this is the really conflicted part, I am fascinated by digital technology and its impact and love art and photography, so though I will wonder off and do lots of real stuff in the real world like baking cakes, spending time with my family, gardening and painting, I will be drawn back here from time to time to say something about it all.